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What has Remourban achieved in these 5 years?
Watch the video about our three lighthouse cities, Valladolid, Nottingham and Tepebasi/Eskisehir and discover Remourban's main outcomes
Watch the video from the joint event with Remourban, Triangulum and GrowSmarter in Brussels in October 2019
On 3 June the UN celebrates World Bicycle Day to promote sustainable transportation and road safety. We report from Turkey, where Tepebaşı, a district of Eskişehir, aims to revive a once very vibrant biking culture which was largely replaced by motorised transportation
Boosting electric mobility is crucial to encourage citizens to change how they travel and Valladolid, Spain, is testing solutions and aiming to be a “lighthouse” city for clean transport in Europe.
A smart city is a city where actions in the fields of energy, building's retrofitting, mobility and ICT merge to improve the living conditions of its inhabitants.
On February 16, 2005, the Kyoto Protocol entered into force. The first global agreement of history to reduce carbon dioxide emissions was based on the scientific consensus that climate change is occurring. Thirteen years later, how do we stand now given the recent developments?
The video shows Miskolc ambitious urban plans and projects, driving economic growth, protecting natural environment, regenerating ravaged environment, improving life quality, increasing security, equality and social cohesion
All Energy 2015 - SECC Glasgow - Wednesday 6th May
Professor Marjan Sarshar - NTU
Exploiting the convergence between ICT, mobility and energy to improve quality of life
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 646511