On March 1st 2018 the China Academy of Building Research visited the Technology Centre of Acciona, partner in REMOURBAN. On that occasion, Ignacio Gonzalez Perez presented the REMOURBAN actions to the delegation.
The China Academy of Building Research (CABR) is the largest comprehensive R&D institution in the building industry of China, active since the 50ies in the development of solutions for the building industry. CABR is also in charge of regulating the industry standards, performing quality testing on construction, assessing the building’s energy efficiency as well as developing new solutions for the market.
Upon CABR’s visit to the Acciona Technology Centre in March 2018, Acciona gave an overview of their research applied to buildings, with a focus on REMOURBAN.
The meeting was successful, and visitors were particularly interested in understanding how the owners in the FASA district were engaged to the retrofitting interventions carried out by the project.
12 March 2018