CIES XVI Congreso Ibérico y XII Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar is a main event in the solar energy sector in Spain and Portugal. It is held in Spanish and Portuguese and is considered a reference congress for all professionals working on the development and implementation of solar technology, as well as scientists, researchers, architects in the two countries.
During his speech, Ignacio present the interventions at the FASA district in Valladolid which are part of the urban regeneration activities launched within the REMOURBAN project. His presentation had a particular focus on the Photovoltaic ventilated façade of the tower of FASA.
A summary of Ignacio’s presentation is available in the book of the Congress in the article entitled “Integración de Energía Fotovoltaica en la red de calor de Biomasa del Distrito de FASA en Valladolid” (Integration of Photovoltaic Energy in the Biomass heat network of the FASA District in Valladolid).
Click here to donwload the Book of Congress.
6 July 2018