Regen Green Energy Awards has just nominated REMOURBAN Lighthouse city of Nottingham as the leading UK city in the city transformation process towards cleaner, smarter and more energy efficient cities.
Nottingham City Council shows a long history of green energy innovations from setting up its low carbon district heating network in the 1970s – which uses the city’s waste to heat 5,000 homes in St Ann’s – to launching and delivering on its 2020 Sustainable Energy Strategy for the city. Its history of innovation, dedication and vision has been the honoured for being the most proactive public sector organisation, by through the adoption of a more sustainable approach to its operations, delivering a programme of work aiming at generating green energy and reducing energy consumption through the latest. Since 2005 the council has reduced CO2 emissions from its operations by 31%.
Read the original story about the Regen Green Energy award here
1 December 2017