An intensive retrofitting program will be developed in the Sneiton area in order to achieve a low energy district ( 23.318 m2 of conditioned area) .
The retrofitting intervention strategy focuses on the primary measure of Solid Wall Insulation and its use on a variety of substrates and property ages, and on “Room in the Roof” insulation on properties that are over 100 years old. The H2020 funding for these measures will be maximized with national Energy Company Obligation (ECO) funding.
The district heating intervention will extend the existing district heating network (4.700 homes) by using the low temperature return heating, for the first time on this system and, maybe, in UK. The intervention will use a single buffer vessel at each of low raise blocks to act as a thermal storage unit regarding the distribution into the individual flats. The thermal storage unit will be connected to larger scale solar thermal installation on the roof of the blocks to add additional onsite generation from renewables.
The south facing roofs of the blocks will be fitted with photovoltaic systems to give a total array size in the region of 75kWp. Within the individual blocks, the intervention aims to supply a low temperature flow to go through class 2 or 3 meters into the individual properties and deliver low temperature heating to be supplied into the individual rooms by zone activated control valves, operated by wireless room stats with individually set heating curves per property. The heat emitters will be skirting radiators, providing a healthier internal heating environment.